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BBVA: UX-Research, A Bank's journey to build trust and innovation.

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This prominent bank faced a significant challenge- the fragmented nature of their client communication and notifications. This disjointed approach hindered the establishment of a strong, trustworthy bond with clients, ultimately impeding the bank's ability to introduce new services and products effectively.

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Our goal was to revamp the bank's communication strategy, leveraging UX research to create a unified and coherent approach, easy to use, fosters trust, enhances client relationships, and paves the way for the successful introduction of new offerings.

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Comprehensive Research: We kicked off the project by conducting thorough research to understand the pain points and preferences of the bank's diverse client base. This involved in-depth interviews, surveys, and usability testing. Mapping Customer Journeys: We meticulously mapped out the customer journey to identify touchpoints where communication was lacking cohesion. This provided us with valuable insights into where improvements were needed the most and new ideas of new types of communication expected. Persona Development: Based on our first approach research findings, we developed detailed customer personas, each representing distinct client segments. These personas helped us tailor communication strategies to the specific needs and preferences of each group. Unified Communication Strategy: Armed with insights, we devised a holistic communication strategy that streamlined notifications, messages, and updates across various channels. The focus was on maintaining a consistent tone, design, and frequency to create a sense of reliability and trust and to add new sources of information based on the needs and demands of different segments. Prototyping and Testing: We created prototypes of the new communication system and conduct usability testing to gather feedback from actual clients and potential clients. This iterative process ensured that the new strategy was user-friendly and resonated with clients and prospects. Implementation and Monitoring: The redefined communication strategy was implemented across all client touchpoints. We closely monitored the impact through analytics, feedback, and client engagement metrics.

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Enhance Trust: The unified communication strategy significantly improved client trust. Consistent and well-times notifications fostered a stronger sense of reliability, leading to improved client satisfaction. 

Increased Engagement: The streamlined approach led to higher client engagement rates. Clients were more likely to open and read messages, resulting in a higher understanding of the bank's offering.

Successful New Services: With a newfound trust in the bank{s communication, clients were more open to exploring and adopting new services and products, boosting the bank's ability to upsell. 

Positive Client Feedback: Clients praised the new approach, citing the clarity, simplicity, relevancy, and consistency of communication as major improvements.

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By utilizing UX research and redesigning its communication strategy, the bank successfully overcame the challenge of fragmented client communication. The establishment of a trustful bond allowed for the effective introduction of new services, resulting in increased engagement, client satisfaction, and ultimately, business growth. This case study underscores the transformative power of UX research in enhancing customer experience and driving business success.

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